Collection: Marine & Spa


Botanic field: Two large and different categories: Cyanophyta and Phycophyte. Cyanophyta is the blue algaes that are prokaryote. Phycophyte is the algae that are eukaryote. The prokaryote group is composed of the simplest and the most primitive organisms. Phycophytes, as eukaryotes, are more evolved.

Field of "active elements": Algae live and grow in an aggressive environment (high tide, high salinity, variations in light intensity...) Over time, they have been forced to develop specific means of self-defense, including the synthesis of vitamins, enzymes and polysaccharides. Algae grow without fertilizers, pesticides or genetic manipulation. Having no roots, algae must capture and mobilize the active elements of the sea, which provides them with far more concentrated substances than land plants.

Fermentation: The ferment (lactobacillus casei for example) is cultivated in a nutritive medium beforehand sterilised, from strains maintained and regularly bedded. Once lactic bacillus are in optimal culture conditions in matter of temperature, aeration, medium and Ph, they develop and multiply rapidly. During their reproduction, they are inoculated in fermentators of growing volume.

At the final fermentation stage (volume of production), Micro-Algae are added to the fermentative medium. During several days, lactic bacillus are in contact with algae and start their bio-transformation and digestion. The contents of algae are thus freed in the medium which is harvested, standardised and sterile filtered.

The wrinkles
Wrinkles are the first signs of ageing. They are due to a progressive smoothing out of the dermo - epidermal junction. Elastic fibres settled in this junction, rarefy, become detached, subjacent collagen bundles dissociate and reorient.

The capability of replication of fibroblasts is reduced, the renewing of collagen and elastine slows down; the tissue loses its elasticity and causes folds. Most customers expect and do claim an anti-wrinkle effect.

The lines of products based on Vitamin A and Vitamin C have an incontestable success, but they also have irritating and unstable secondary effects, which is not compatible with a usage over a long period. The "anti-wrinkles" product is par excellence, a product meant for a long time use. It is therefore necessary to have ACTIVE PRINCIPLES which enable a daily and longtime use. The Fidelity of users does not only depend on the results, but also on the comfort of use.

8 products